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Steps to Become a London Warriors Member

Step 1.  Book and Pay for your trial session via online banking to the club account - £10 fee.
No Cash Accepted!

Link for Trial Session


Fees payable to:
Account Name: London Warriors Basketball Club
Account Number: 67505082
Sort Code: 60-08-46
Reference: "Player Surname/TRIALS"

Please text or email a copy of the payment receipt to Lehoma at 07738027674 or

We must receive this receipt before attending the try-out.



Step 2. All members and players must register with Basketball England (BE) using the link below.
Basketball England BE Membership Portal


For summer training sessions please sign up for license type 'Local League/BUCs' and then go to checkout. It will be free for existing players, and new players will have to pay £10.


A NBL license will be required before the start of the official basketball season in August. BE will advise us when national league player licensing will start.


Please text or email a copy of the license to Lehoma at 07738027674 or



Step 3. We will then contact you to arrange trial date, time and venue. 

This session will be confirmed to you upon receipt of your payment and proof of valid license.


Step 4. Complete the Membership form via the link below

Link for Registration


Step 5. Pay Annual Fees

Upon receipt of your completed membership form and BE Licence, you must then pay the NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT of £250.
Details of our fee schedule will be sent to you via email on your request to join the club/team.


Step 6. Order Club Kit

Club Kit order form will be sent to you to complete and return as outlined on the form.

Please Note: membership fees do not include the club kit, any LWBC club camps and end-of-season training. These are at an extra cost.
Our Bank Details
All fees are to be paid via online Bank Transfer to:
NatWest Bank
Business Account

Acct Name: London Warriors Basketball Club
Sort code: 60-08-46
Account number: 67505082

REFERENCE: Please use- Player’s Surname/Team/AF
Example: Jones/U10/AF

Please feel free to contact us with any queries or for further help if needed at 07738027674


​Annual Fees

Please note annual fees are required for the smooth running of the club. They must be paid on time as outlined to the Club Bank account (details above). Players Club Kit is an additional price. Contact the club for further pricing details.

Please also note that non-attendance to training sessions or games for any reason does not affect the membership fees. The Treasurer checks the club account weekly to ensure who has paid. Non-payment will result in players' INABILITY to train or play. No pay, no play. We hope this is clear.



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